
JES UK Privacy Notice 

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice sets out details about the personal data that we, Jaguar Espresso Systems may collect and process about you. This Privacy Notice is non-contractual, regularly reviewed and may be amended by us from time to time.

Jaguar Espresso Systems (JESUK) is an independent supplier to the coffee trade of espresso machine spare parts, barista supplies, cleaning products and support services. We are committed to safeguarding the privacy of our website visitors. The confidentiality of your personal data is of paramount importance to us. In ensuring compliance with UK data protection law, we ensure that we only process your personal data lawfully. 

This privacy notice sets out how we use and protect personal data that you provide when using JESUK Website).  By using the JESUK website you agree to the terms set out, and consent to the use of data described, in this policy.

The type of data we collect 

When you access our website, we may collect and process the following personal data:

  • Login data (i.e. username and password) which you input in respect of our account services
  • Data you input into our online forms
  • Basic details such as name, address and contact details;
  • Details of services and products you have requested.

We also collect technical data via Google analytics, and through our website platform (Magento), however, these reports do not contain any personal data.

Where we have asked you to provide personal data as part of signing up to a service, you are obliged to provide this to enable us to perform the contract with you and to ensure our information systems remain secure and effective.  A failure to provide this may mean we are unable to provide you with the services you require.

The purposes of processing

We use your personal data to provide you with information about our products and services, and to enable us to manage your JESUK account. This may include:

  • Registering you as a new customer and provide the products and services to you as requested;
  • Responding to your queries, including providing quotes;
  • Being able to contact you in relation to products and services and effectively manage our relationship with you;
  • Enabling us to ensure the efficiency and security of our systems (e.g. prevention of unauthorised access0 and make improvements where necessary, including for user experience of the website;
  • Making business decisions about the provision of products and services, and our website;
  • Allowing us to send you product and service related information;
  • Enabling us to manage your account effectively and send you statements, invoices and payment reminders.

Lawful basis for processing

We process your personal data as it is necessary for our legitimate interests, namely to keep records of your JESUK account, provide the information you have requested, improve our products and services, ensure our product and services information remains accurate and up to date, study how our website is used and popular content, for marketing strategies/communications and to maintain and grow our business.

We also process data as required by law, including, to comply with legal obligations such as security obligations in data protection legislation (such as prevention of unauthorised access).

We do not rely solely on consent to process your data, however, where you have signed up for services we may also process your data on the basis of your consent.

Your rights and how to exercise them

As a data subject, you have a number of rights. You can:

  • access and obtain a copy of your data on request;
  • require JESUK to change incorrect or incomplete data;
  • require JESUK to delete or stop processing your data, for example where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing;
  • object to the processing of your data where JESUK is relying on its legitimate interests as the legal ground for processing. 

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact the appointed Data Protection Officer - JESUK Director.

Sharing your data

Your data will be shared internally with our IT, Finance, Marketing, Sales, Customer Services, and Operations departments.

Our website contains links to third-party websites.  Clicking on those links may allow third parties to collect your personal data.  We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the privacy policies and practices of third parties and would encourage you to read the privacy notices for websites you visit.

Securing your information 

We are committed to keeping your personal information secure and have in place technical and organisational measures intended to safeguard and secure the information we collect and ensure that your data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed. All JESUK staff have a legal duty to respect the confidentiality of your information and is not accessed except by our employees in the performance of their duties, and only then to those who have a reasonable need to view it. 

We cannot ensure the security of your data when it is being transmitted to our website or other digital sites from other pages. All transmission of personal information and other data is done at your own risk.

We do not share your personal information with anyone outside of JESUK business management except:

  • when we have your consent to do so;
  • when we are permitted or obliged to do so by law;
  • if we are under a duty to disclose or share personal data in order to enforce or apply our terms of use (of our website or any part of it) or terms and conditions of supply of any relevant products or services and other agreements;
  • to protect the rights, property, or safety of JESUK, our customers, or others;
  • in order to detect, prevent and help with the prosecution of financial crime;
  • if there are other exceptional circumstances, and we are unable or, if is not appropriate to seek your permission.

Keeping your data?

We will only keep your personal information for as long as is necessary and in accordance with statutory guidelines.  


If you believe that we have not complied with your data protection rights, you can make a complaint. Please see the contact details at the end of this document.

JESUK Cookie and Log File Policy


When you access the JESUK website, cookies will be created. A cookie, also known as a browser cookie, is a text file containing small amounts of information which a server may download to your computer hard drive, tablet or mobile device when you visit a website or use an app. 

Cookies may be either ‘persistent’ cookies or ‘session’ cookies. A persistent cookie will be stored on the web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless detected by the user before the expiry date. A session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed. Although your browser may be set up to allow the creation of cookies, you can specify that you be prompted before a site puts a cookie on your device, so that you can decide whether to allow or disallow the cookie. Alternatively, you can set your device not to accept any cookie.

Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies a user, but personal information that we store about you may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies. If you choose not to accept the cookie, this will not affect your access to most of facilities available on our websites.

Cookies can be set and controlled by the operator of the website which the user is browsing (known as a ‘first party cookie’) or a third party such as Facebook, for example to display advertisements and social sharing features, (known as a ‘third party cookie’).

Learn more about cookies

To find out more about cookies in general either search in Google or visit aboutcookies.org or allaboutcookies.org (which is run by the IBA Europe).

A guide to behavioural advertising and online privacy has been produced by the internet advertising industry which can be found at www.youronlinechoices.eu. The guide contains an explanation of the Internet Advertising Bureau's self-regulatory scheme to allow you greater control of the advertising you see.

Cookies used by JESUK

The cookies in use on the JESUK website are 1st and 3rd party cookies or for Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics tool that helps website owners understand how visitors engage with their website. Google Analytics customers can view a variety of reports about how visitors interact with their website so that they can improve it. 

Like many services, Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to track visitor interactions as in our case, where they are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. JESUK then use the information to compile reports and to help us improve our site. 

Google Analytics collects information anonymously. It reports website trends without identifying individual visitors.

How can you control the use of Google Analytics?

You can opt out of Google Analytics without affecting how you visit JESUK website – for more information on opting out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites you use, visit https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=en 

Log Files

Log files are also created when persons visit the JESUK website. They allow us to record visitors` use of the websites and include your IP address. JESUK puts together log file information from all our visitors, which we use to make improvements to the content and layout of the websites and to the information in it, based on the way that visitors move around it.

Your IP address is recorded automatically when you access our website to assist us in monitoring and improving content and for security reasons.  You are, therefore, obligated to provide this when accessing the website.

Marketing platforms 

We use marketing platforms to advertise and promote our products and services.  These are supported by cloud-based providers and are managed in accordance with data protection legislation.  

Keeping you informed

We would like to keep you informed of our products and services that, we consider may be of interest to you (via mail, email or phone). When we collect your information, we will ask you if you would like us to keep you updated in this way.

If you do not wish to receive marketing information about our products and services, or at any time you change your mind about receiving these messages, please contact the JESUK marketing team. ([email protected]

Contact information

Should you need to, you can contact us via the following routes: 

In person or by post:

Jaguar Espresso Systems, 

Unit 12,

Albury Close, 

Reading RG30 1BD

By telephone:

Tel: Number 0118 959 9204

Registered address:

Jaguar Espresso Systems, Unit 12, Albury Close, Reading RG30 1BD. 

ICO registration Number:

XXXXXXXX   (add once completed)   


The management of Jaguar Espresso Systems recognises that it has a legal duty of care towards protecting the health and safety of its employees and others who may be affected by the company's activities, and that managing health and safety is a business critical function.

In order to discharge its responsibilities the management will:

  • Comply fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations at international, national and local levels
  • Bring this Policy Statement to the attention of all employees
  • Carry out and regularly review risk assessments to identify proportionate and pragmatic solutions to reducing risk
  • Communicate and consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  • Eliminate risks to health and safety where possible, through selection and design of materials, buildings, facilities, equipment and processes
  • Encourage staff to identify and report hazards so that we can all contribute towards improving safety
  • Ensure that emergency procedures are in place at all locations for dealing with health and safety issues
  • Maintain our premises, provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
  • Only engage contractors who are able to demonstrate due regard to health & safety matters
  • Provide adequate resources to control the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
  • Provide adequate training and ensure that all employees are competent to do their tasks
  • Provide an organisational structure that defines the responsibilities for health and safety
  • Provide information, instruction and supervision for employees
  • Regularly monitor performance and revise policies and procedures to pursue a programme of continuous improvement
This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary to reflect changes to the business activities and any changes to legislation. Any changes to the Policy will be brought to the attention of all employees.


The management of Jaguar Espresso Systems recognises that the day-to-day operations can impact both directly and indirectly on the environment. We aim to protect and improve the environment through good management and by adopting best practice wherever possible.

We will work to integrate environmental considerations into our business decisions and adopt greener alternatives wherever possible, throughout our operations. In order to discharge its responsibilities the management will:

  • Bring this Environmental Policy Statement to the attention of all stakeholders
  • Carry out regular audits of the environmental management system
  • Comply fully with all relevant legal requirements, codes of practice and regulations at international, national and local levels
  • Eliminate risks to the environment, where possible, through selection and design of materials, buildings, facilities, equipment and processes
  • Ensure that emergency procedures are in place at all locations for dealing with environmental issues
  • Establish targets to measure the continuous improvement in our environmental performance
  • Identify and manage environmental risks and hazards
  • Improve the environmental efficiency of our transport and travel
  • Involve customers, partners, clients, suppliers and subcontractors in the implementation of our objectives
  • Minimise waste and increase recycling within the framework of our waste management procedures                         
  • Only engage contractors who are able to demonstrate due regard to environmental matters
  • Prevent pollution to land, air and water 
  • Promote environmentally responsible purchasing 
  • Provide adequate resources to control environmental risks arising from our work activities 
  • Provide suitable training to enable employees to deal with their specific areas of environmental control
  • Reduce the use of water, energy and any other natural resources
  • Source materials from sustainable supply, when practical
This Environmental Policy will be reviewed at least annually and revised as necessary to reflect changes to the business activities and any changes to legislation. Any changes to the Policy will be brought to the attention of all stakeholders.


Jaguar Espresso Systems strive to ensure that what we buy, consume and dispose of helps to build a fairer and more environmentally sustainable world. This policy sets out our values of openness and honesty, and states our consistent approach towards day-to-day business relationships with our customers, employees, and supply chain.

Jaguar Espresso Systems aim to trade ethically, and will: 

  • Not purchase or sell goods that are manufactured under conditions that involve abuse or exploitation 
  • Only deal with organisations whose products are produced under working conditions that are hygienic and safe
  • Promote and encourage high ethical standards in its dealings across its business network
  • Insist that all workers involved in producing goods that we sell are treated in an ethical manner with consideration given to their basic human rights
  • Comply with Government imposed trading sanctions
  • Refuse to work with any organisation which we have reason to consider exploits humans, animals or the environment unfairly
  • Protect the rights of our employees by complying with employment practices and the enforcement of corporate regulations
  • Continue to exceed the minimum standards required by UK law, and ensure that our staff are well trained, safe, rewarded and valued
We will not practice any form of discrimination whatsoever, including pay, hiring, promotion, age, gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.
We will review this policy periodically and update it accordingly as appropriate. Our intention is to adopt best practice at all times, responding to dynamic and changing working environments.


It is the policy of Jaguar Espresso Systems that all of their activities, products and services meet the expectations of their customers, and meet all statutory and regulatory requirements. The staff handbook contains procedures and associated documentation to manage and control the business and this is provided to all staff.
The aim of the quality management system is to ensure that:

  • Jaguar Espresso Systems deliver quality coffee spare parts, accessories and commercial espresso machine products to maintain excellent relations with trade customers
  • Customer satisfaction and high standards of service remain a priority within the business
  • Customer requirements have been fully understood and met
  • All work is carried out consistently to a defined high standard
  • Investment is made is staff training to ensure that employees are well equipped to fulfil customer requirements
  • All employees continuously strive to improve business systems and procedures
  • Business partners meet our own quality assurance standards where appropriate
  • A professional approach to customer interaction is maintained at all times
  • Any complaints are dealt with efficiently and within an acceptable time period 
We will review this policy periodically and update it accordingly as appropriate. Our intention is to adopt best practice at all times, responding to dynamic and changing working environments.


The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive was originally introduced by the EU and implemented in the UK in 2007. It governs how waste of electrical products is managed at the end of its useful life, and requires that it is recycled in an environmentally sound way. This is designed to ensure that less harmful electrical waste is sent to landfill.
Jaguar Espresso Systems are a UK based importer and distributor of electrical products which is committed to protecting and improving the environment, and also complying with current legislation. To achieve this we offer a collection and disposal service to customers who wish to dispose of electrical products which they have purchased from us, and that are at the end of their useful life.
This is a chargeable service which we do not seek to profit from and we will simply pass on the costs which are incurred by us for disposing of electrical products in a way that complies with the WEEE directive.